Kyra Belan

As a social issues artist, I have been creating art about women who are or were abused by powerful men. In a patriarchal society women are not regarded as credible. I chose to highlight two cases that were extensively covered by the press and which happened twenty years apart. In both cases the powerful males, supported and propped up by other powerful political males, prevailed in discrediting the women and yet kept their powerful positions. This artwork raises the awareness that there is much work needed to be done to erase the power imbalance between men and women.

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#MeToocolored pencil on paper, h30 w22 inches, 2018

Dr. Kyra Belan, BFA, MFA, and Ed. D., has been featured in numerous publications, and is a frequent presenter at art and art history conferences including the CAA (College Art Association). She has exhibited for over three decades in art venues in Florida, across the US and abroad, and her art is featured in numerous public and private collections.

Belan is the Otto M. Burkhardt Endowed Chair and professor of art and art history emerita at Broward College, FL. Her books include The Virgin in Art, Parkstone Press, translated to French, Spanish and German, and are available on Amazon Books. She is currently working on a new edition of Earth, Myths, and Ecofeminist Art that features her long career in the arts and includes drawings, paintings, installation, performance, land art and conceptual works. She is a member of Ceres Gallery, NY.

All rights reserved. Images are copyright of artist.